Wetlands & Habitat Creation

The Rootlok Vegetated Wall System offers designers, engineers, consultants, contractors and clients an engineered solution for building eco-conscious retaining walls quickly and easily. The flexibility of the system allows structures to be built in any shape and angle requiring the use of only small hand tools. It’s modular design also allows the system to easily integrate and sustain a variety of grasses, plants and small shrubs. The Rootlok System brings numerous benefits to the local eco-system, delivering major biodiversity gains in both urban and rural applications.

​We can incorporate other design features within our Rootlok solutions to be flexible towards tree root protection zones and planting areas. We can include features such as bat boxes, pipe inlets through to back soils for voles and birds during the design stage, helping to create habitats for local wildlife whilst enhancing the natural environment. 

Rootlok applies standard soil stabilisation practices and engineering methods to build retaining walls at near vertical angles with the potential advantage of using site won material as fill. The systems simple design creates a ‘segmented’ wall face that easily integrates vegetation into the systems performance.

​Rootlok can be used to build gravity walls in small applications up to 2m high (dependant on ground conditions). Where retained heights go above this, Rootlok provides a vegetated solution for reinforced soil structures adapting the principles of mechanically stabilised earth (MSE). Utilising BBA Certified Stratagrid® geogrids, GeoGrow can offer a solution with a design life of 120 years (please contact us for technical data).​

Varying ground conditions and surcharge loadings can significantly alter the design of a Rooltok wall. Call us to discuss your project with one of our geotechnical engineers.


The Rootlok Vegetated Wall System is extremely versatile, allowing it to be used in many applications;

  • Wetlands

  • Reed beds

  • Ecological enhancements

  • Habitat creation

  • Flood banks

  • Erosion control

  • Slope stabilisation

Rootlok has been used very successfully within river applications. Moisture easily filters through the system rather than being reflected, making it an ideal solution for wet locations. In low flow conditions, Rootlok can easily be installed in rivers and streams without the need to redirect the water.

Our Service

Our team of fully qualified engineers can provide a solution specific to your requirements. Our initial design service is free of charge, and we can provide engineered designs, calculations and CAD drawings where necessary including professional indemnity cover.

Take a look at some of our recent solutions for wetlands and habitat creation in our Case Studies.

For more details on using the Rootlok system view our Literature, alternatively get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The Rootlok System can be used as a solution for many
construction, commercial and private applications: