River and Flood Applications

Due to it's permeability, Rootlok has been used very successfully within flood and river applications.

Moisture easily filters through the system rather than being reflected, making it an ideal solution for wet locations. In low flow conditions, Rootlok can easily be installed in rivers and streams without the need to redirect the water.

From shorelines and river restoration to coastal erosion and slope stabilisation, we can advise and design a suitable bio-engineered solution that provides long-term protection against scouring and river bank erosion. The Rootlok Vegetated System supports the restoration of the natural state and functionality of a river system, fostering biodiversity, habitat creation and landscape development.

GeoGrow are specialist contractors and we can install the Rootlok System for you. We undertake works for Local Authorities, public bodies, main contractors and private clients. We have experience of working within lowland rivers, lakes, shorelines, wetlands, flood banks and SUDs areas. Take a look at our specialist contracting services for more information.

When undertaking river and flood projects we consider all aspects from the water velocity, water management, health and safety, Local Authority and Environment Agency approvals and considerations. All Rootlok designs can be adapted for any river and flood application. To provide scour protection to the Rootlok structure, we install gravel bags up to the average water level and can investigate other methods and materials such as rock rolls, coir rolls or hazel faggots. It is worthy to note that the time of year is also key when working in water courses to protect wildlife. 

Take a look at some of our recent solutions for river and flood protection works in our Case Studies.

For more details on using the Rootlok system view our Literature, alternatively get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The Rootlok System can be used as a solution for many
construction, commercial and private applications: