
Vegetated Drainage Ponds, Milton Keynes

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Client: Glencar Construction

Contractor: GeoGrow®

Completed: April 2022

In April 2021, GeoGrow were approached by Glencar Construction to design a series of drainage features for a new industrial unit scheme, due to be constructed in Milton Keynes.

The brief called for a solution to move the rainwater runoff from the unit roofs away from the area, whilst creating green spaces within the scheme. Space around the industrial units was tight, so it was important to the client that drainage solution offered a landscaped, natural finish.

We designed 11 drainage features to run parallel to the unit walls, running along the outer corner and through the middle of the units. The drainage system would collect the rainwater runoff and filter excess water into the storm water drainage system, before being moved off site.

The area was envisaged to hold water all year long, creating a natural pond feature and adding greenery within the scheme. To retain water permanently an impermeable geomembrane liner was installed along the base of the ponds and up behind the Rootlok wall backfill. The pond walls are 1m high and 15m long and are connected to each other through a series of pipes creating an overflow system between the ponds.

GeoGrow installed the drainage features in February 2022, with a build time of 8 weeks. The ponds were hydroseeded upon completion to vegetate the Rootlok walls. We recommended a shade tolerant seed mix due to the shaded location of the ponds. The vegetation has grown well in just 6 months and will continue to establish and provide a sustainable green finish.

The Rootlok Vegetated Wall System offers a more natural solution for sustainable drainage systems (SUDs). Due to the flexible nature of the Rootlok system, Landscape Architects and designers can be more creative with shapes and build types that offer a growing medium for a vegetated finish, adding major benefits to the eco-system and increasing biodiversity.

Take a look at our video below discussing the construction of the ponds. For more information feel free to get in touch at


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