
Site Boundary Wall for 288 Homes

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Rootlok® Vegetated Wall System installed to provide a retaining wall solution for two perimeter walls.


Taylor Wimpey (East Anglia)




February 2020 ®

Site Boundary Wall for 288 Homes

Taylor Wimpey (East Anglia) invited GeoGrow® to provide a Rootlok® retaining wall solution for two perimeter walls for their brand-new development of 288 high-quality homes in Manningtree Essex.

The site boundary bordered existing residential gardens to the back of the properties. Taylor Wimpey required the already high-level ground to have a small footprint as possible to give the rear gardens the plot size needed. With the walls as high as 6M it was going to be a challenge not only in the design but for the overall installation.

Site Boundary Wall for 288 Homes

GeoGrow provided a full formal design including PI in accordance with the relevant British Standards & Euro Codes for an earth reinforced retaining structure. We incorporated geogrids with various backfill lengths, where the wall required a small footprint and the back slope was stabilised using 3.5M long galvanized steel pins. StrataGrid BBA certified SGU60 geogrids were installed with Rootlok used as a facing to the structurers providing an immediate erosion protection system and medium to provide a vegetated, sustainable green finish.

The works

Installation was restricted to 20M lengths to maintain the stability of the backslope and allow for the safe installation of the geopins, which was laid in a pattern of 0.84m vertical and 0.50m horizontal centres, as per the design. With regards to the section of the wall where the smaller footprint was required, we were able to reduce this to a 1.5M width, at the toe of a 5.3M high wall. Approval was gained to use an IBA recycled granular stone and compacted (in accordance with Method 2, Table 6/4 of the MCDHW Specification for Highways Works) where testing was undertaken during installation.

GeoGrow undertook the full scope of work, which started in November 2020. While dealing with extreme weather conditions the build still came in ahead of schedule with a completion date of February 2021.

On completion the walls were hydroseeded by GeoGrow’s in-house hydroseeding team with a seed mix to the Clients specification. Overtime the walls will fully vegetate to provide a sustainable green finish.

Site Boundary Wall for 288 Homes

Rootlok is a cost-effective system that provides end users with a strong, yet flexible, green solution for retaining walls. It’s ability to vegetate creates a retaining wall that blends seamlessly with the natural environment. It is important to consider the choice of vegetation to ensure that the result is aligned with expectations and the ability to effectively and safely maintain it.


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