
Headwall Construction in Firs Farm Wetlands

Headwall Construction in Firs Farm Wetlands

Enfield Council have used Rootlok to construct a new headwall, providing erosion and flood protection to a large pipe outlet.

Firs Farm Wetlands Flood Alleviation Scheme

As part of the £1m Firs Farm Wetlands flood alleviation scheme, the ‘lost river’ Moore Brooke previously hidden in concrete culverts has been restored to create a large series of wetlands. A 350m long pipe now diverts a surface water sewer to the newly de-culverted watercourse, treating polluted water as it passes through the wetlands. The restoration is significantly enhancing the park - water quality is improving and new habitats have been created for local wildlife.

Headwall Construction

Enfield Council approved the use of the Rootlok Vegetated Wall System fto construct a headwall for a large pipe outlet. The system was chosen to provide long-term erosion and flood protection that will also assist in the creation of new habitats for local wildlife. Unlike concrete and other hard revetment, Rootlok produces a natural sustainable finish that will integrate with local surroundings – a feature in line with the ethos of the scheme.

GeoGrow Ltd provided the installing contractor with un-filled Rootlok bags and locking plates to be filled on site with a pre-seeded mix. Pre-seeding the bags will allow the structure to begin to vegetate immediately following completion. A combination of gabions and stone filled rock-rolls have been installed alongside the Rootlok system. This will help to create a firm foundation with extra toe protection.

Take a look at our application for more information on using Rootlok for headwalls and gravity walls.


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