Diverse meadow mixes for your next project
There are a variety of seed mixtures available, each designed to suit different environmental conditions and soil types. These mixtures typically contain a blend of native grasses and wildflowers, selected to enhance biodiversity, support pollinators, and create visually appealing landscapes.
Some mixes are tailored for general-purpose use, while others are adapted for specific conditions such as acidic or alkaline soils, shaded areas, wetland margins, or coastal regions. Additionally, there are seed blends designed for fertility-building, floodplain meadows, and brownfield sites, ensuring that suitable vegetation can be established in diverse habitats.
These carefully curated mixtures contribute to ecological restoration, conservation efforts, and sustainable land management practices.
Meadow mixes
GM1 - General purpose grass & wildflower
Sow Rate : - 5g/m²
This wildflower meadow seed mixture contains over 20 different types or species of grasses and wildflowers for a greater variety. This seed mixture is suitable for all soil types and creates a varied habitat for insects and birds.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF1 - GENERAL PURPOSE WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 3% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 8% Centaurea nigra – (Black Knapweed)
- 5% Centaurea scabiosa – (Greater Knapweed)
- 3% Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
- 8% Galium verum – (Lady’s Bedstraw)
- 2% Hypericum perforatum – (Perforate St John’s Wort)
- 1% Hypochaeris radicata – (Cat’s-ear)
- 7% Knautia arvensis – (Field Scabious)
- 4% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Oxeye Daisy)
- 4% Lotus corniculatus – (Bird’s-foot Trefoil)
- 3% Malva moschata – (Musk Mallow)
- 4% Medicago lupulina – (Black Medick)
- 6% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort Plantain)
- 2% Primula veris – (Cowslip)
- 8% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 6% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow Buttercup)
- 6% Rhinanthus minor – (Yellow Rattle)
- 8% Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
- 6% Silene alba – (White Campion)
- 6% Vicia sativa ssp nigra – (Common Vetch)
80% Grasses
- 5% Agrostis castellana – (Common Bent)
- 15% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp commutata – (Chewings Fescue)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp litoralis – (Slender CRF)
- 30% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s Fescue)
GM2 - Acidic & sandy soils grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
This mix is a diverse conservation seed mix of twenty UK native wildflowers and five grasses. Species adapted to base poor soils such as sheep’s fescue, sheep’s sorrel and heath bedstraw. It is well suited to low fertility acidic soils (pH >5) either on dry sandy soils or wetter peaty soils.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF2 – ACIDIC/SANDY SOILS WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 7% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 5% Campanula rotundifolia – (Harebell)
- 12% Centaurea nigra – (Black knapweed)
- 5% Galium saxatile – (Heath bedstraw)
- 11% Galium verum – (Lady’s bedstraw)
- 1% Hieracium pilosella – (Mousear hawkweed)
- 4% Hypochaeris radicata – (Common cat’s-ear)
- 11% Lotus corniculatus – (Common bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 5% Onobrychis vicifolia – (Sainfoin)
- 1% Potentilla erecta – (Tormentil)
- 14% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 12% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow buttercup)
- 9% Rumex acetosella – (Sheep’s sorrel)
- 6% Stachys officianlis – (Betony)
- 5% Succisa pratensis – (Devil’s-bit scabious)
- 1% Teucrium scorodonia – (Wood sage)
80% Grasses
- 5% Agrostis capillaris – (Common bent)
- 5% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet vernal grass)
- 40% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested dog’s-tail)
- 2% Deschampsia flexuosa – (Wavy hair grass)
- 48% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s fescue)
GM3 - Calcareous/alkaline soils grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
This is highly diverse grassland seed mix of 30 UK native wildflowers and grasses. It is suited to low fertility rich chalk and limestone soils that are dry and free draining and are typically alkaline (pH <7).
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF3 – CALCAREOUS/ALKALINE SOILS WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 5% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 7% Centaurea nigra – (Black Knapweed)
- 7% Centaurea scabiosa – (Greater Knapweed)
- 1% Clinopodium vulgare – (Wild Basil)
- 6% Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
- 2% Filipendula vulgaris – (Dropwort)
- 8% Galium verum – (Lady’s Bedstraw)
- 9% Knautia arvensis – (Field Scabious)
- 2% Leontodon hispidus – (Rough Hawkbit)
- 6% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Oxeye Daisy)
- 6% Lotus corniculatus – (Common Birdsfoot Trefoil)
- 1% Origamum vulgare – (Wild Marjoram)
- 6% Plantago media – (Hoary Plantain)
- 1% Primula veris – (Cowslip)
- 8% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 6% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow Buttercup)
- 7% Ranunculus bulbosus – (Bulbous Buttercup)
- 1% Reseda lutea – (Wild Mignonette)
- 3% Salvia verbenaca – (Wild Clary)
- 3% Scabiosa columbaria – (Small Scabious)
- 5% Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
80% Grasses
- 4% Agrostis capillaris – (Common Bent)
- 3% Briza maxima – (Quaking Grass)
- 5% Bromus erectus – (Upright Brome)
- 28% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 30% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s Fescue)
- 20% Festuca rubra – (Red Fescue)
- 2% Koeleria macrantha – (Crested Hair-Grass)
- 4% Phleum bertolonii – (Small Timothy)
- 4% Trisetum flavescens – (Yellow Oat Grass)
GM4 - Country meadow
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
This is a simple yet visually pleasing wildflower meadow seed mixture containing the more common native wildflower species along with (non-competitive) companion grasses. It can be used for amenity areas, large gardens and environmentally sensitive landscaping.
The wildflower specification can be amended to suit the setting such as urban wildflower mixtures.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF4 – COUNTRY MEADOW WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 4% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 6% Centaurea nigra – (Black Knapweed)
- 4% Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
- 12% Galium verum – (Lady’s Bedstraw)
- 4% Hypericum perforatum – (Perforate St John’s Wort)
- 7% Leucanthemum vulgare– (Oxeye Daisy)
- 4% Lotus corniculatus – (Birdsfoot Trefoil)
- 4% Malva moschata – (Musk Mallow)
- 6% Medicago lupulina – (Black Medick)
- 8% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort Plantain)
- 8% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 9% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow Buttercup)
- 12% Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
- 4% Silene alba – (White Campion)
- 8% Vicia sativa ssp. nigra (Common Vetch)
80% Grasses
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp. commutata – (Chewings Fescue)
- 5% Agrostis capillaris – (Common Bent)
- 15% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 30% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s Fescue)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp. litoralis – (Slender CRF)
GM5 - Hedgerow & shade tolerant grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
A mixture of grasses and perennial wildflowers that are tolerant of shade and semi-shade conditions. Suitable for sowing alongside hedges, under trees and within established woodland.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF5 – HEDGEROW & SHADE TOLERANT WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 6% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 10% Agrimony eupatoria – (Agrimony)
- 4% Alliaria petiolata – (Hedge Garlic)
- 5% Arum maculatum – (Lords-and-Ladies)
- 3% Campanula trachelium – (Nettle Leaved Bellflower)
- 10% Centaurea nigra – (Black Knapweed)
- 8% Digitalis purpurea – (Foxglove)
- 4% Galium mollugo – (Hedge Bedstraw)
- 1% Geranium pyrenaicum – (Hedgerow Crane’s-bill)
- 7% Geum urbanum – (Wood Avens)
- 4% Hypericum hirsutum – (Hairy St John’s Wort)
- 8% Knautia arvensis – (Field Scabious)
- 8% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 8% Silene dioica – (Red Campion)
- 5% Stachys sylvatica – (Hedge Woundwort)
- 6% Teucrium scorodonia – (Wood Sage)
- 3% Torilis japonica – (Upright Hedge Parsley)
- 5% Verbascum thapsus – (Greater Mullein)
- 2% Vicia sepium – (Bush Vetch)
- 2% Vicia sylvatica – (Wood Vetch)
80% Grasses
- 10% Agrostis capillaris – (Common Bent)
- 2% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet Vernal Grass)
- 1% Brachypodium sylvaticum – (Wood False Brome)
- 30% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 4% Deschampsia cespitosa – (Tufted Hair Grass)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp commutate – (Chewings Fescue)
- 15% Festuca rubra ssp litoralis – (Slender CRF)
- 8% Poa nemoralis – (Wood Meadow Grass)
- 5% Poa trivialis – (Rough Meadow Grass)
GM6 - Wetland & pond edge grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
A mixture of wildflowers and grasses suitable for sowing at the edges and wet margins of ponds, swales, streams, lakes and ditches.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF6 – WETLAND/PONDEDGE WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 6% Achillea ptarmica – (Sneezewort)
- 2% Caltha palustris – (Marsh Marigold)
- 5% Carex acutiformis – (Lesser Pond Sedge)
- 1% Eupatorium cannabinium – (Hemp Agrimony)
- 9% Filipendul ulmaria – (Meadow Sweet)
- 2% Hypericum tetrapterum – (Square Stemmed St John’s Wort)
- 4% Iris pseudacorus – (Yellow Flag Iris)
- 1% Juncus effusus – (Soft Rush)
- 4% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Oxeye Daisy)
- 8% Lotus pedunculatus – (Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil)
- 5% Lychnis flos-cuculi – (Ragged Robin)
- 4% Lythrum salicaria – (Purple Loosestrife)
- 4% Lycopus europaeus – (Gypsywort)
- 8% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort Plantain)
- 8% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 1% Pulicaria dysenterica – (Fleabane)
- 8% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow Buttercup)
- 2% Ranunculus flammula – (Lesser Spearwort)
- 8% Rhinanthus minor – (Yellow Rattle)
- 2% Scrophularia auriculata – (Water Figwort)
- 8% Succisa pratensis – (Devil’s Bit Scabious)
80% Grasses
- 12% Agrostis capillaris – (Common Bent)
- 6% Alopecurus pratensis – (Meadow Foxtail)
- 2% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet Vernal Grass)
- 35% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 5% Deschampsia cespitosa – (Tufted Hair Grass)
- 40% Festuca rubra ssp litoralis – (Slender CRF)
GM7 - Floodplain meadow grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
This is a highly diverse seed mix of 32 UK native wildflowers and grasses. It is a seed mix suited for lowland seasonally flooded areas of low to moderate fertility.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF7 – FLOODPLAIN MEADOW WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 3% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 6% Centaurea nigra – (Black knapweed)
- 5% Filipendula ulmaria – (Meadowsweet)
- 1% Galium palustre – (Marsh bedstraw)
- 3% Hypericum tetrapterum – (Square stemmed st john’s-wort)
- 3% Hypochaeris radicata – (Common cat’s-ear)
- 3% Lathyrus pratensis – (Meadow vetchling)
- 4% Leontodon autumnalis – (Autumn hawkbit)
- 7% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Ox-eye daisy)
- 5% Lotus corniculatus – (Common bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 4% Lotus pendunculatus – (Greater bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 2% Lychnis flos-cuculi – (Ragged robin)
- 8% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort plantain)
- 2% Primula veris – (Cowslip)
- 7% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 8% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow buttercup)
- 5% Rhinanthus minor – (Yellow rattle)
- 4% Rumex acetosa – (Common sorrel)
- 4% Sanguisorba officianlis – (Great burnet)
- 2% Silaum silaus – (Pepper saxifrage)
- 3% Stachys officianlis – (Betony)
- 3% Succisa pratensis – (Devil’s-bit scabious)
- 6% Trifolium pratense – (Red clover)
- 2% Vicia cracca – (Tufted vetch)
80% Grasses
- 3% Agrostis stolonifera – (Creeping bent)
- 2% Alopecurus geniculatus – (Marsh foxtail)
- 3% Alopecurus pratensis – (Meadow foxtail)
- 4% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet vernal grass)
- 35% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested dog’s-tail)
- 3% Deschampsia cespitosa – (Tufted hair grass)
- 45% Festuca rubra ssp. rubra – (Red fescue)
- 5% Holcus lanatus – (Yorkshire fog)
GM8 - High nutrient soils 50/50 meadow
Sow Rate: - 3g/m²
This mix is composed of those wildflowers tolerant of higher nutrient environments and grass competition as they can grow tall in the sward or scramble up grass. This mix should be sown with at least 50% wildflower content to allow wildflowers to establish and not be crowded out by the quicker growing grass sward.
This mix is also the standard mix for our Rootlok Vegetated Wall System for clients who are looking for a mixture of grasses and wildflowers.
50% Wildflowers
- 6% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 10% Centaurea nigra – (Black Knapweed)
- 8% Lathyrus pratensis – (Meadow Vetchling)
- 8% Leucanthemum vulgare– (Oxeye Daisy)
- 5% Lotus corniculatus – (Common Birdsfoot Trefoil)
- 4% Lychnis flos-cuculi – (Ragged Robin)
- 10% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort Plantain)
- 10% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow Buttercup)
- 5% Rhinanthus minor – (Yellow Rattle)
- 10% Rumex acetosa – (Common Sorrel)
- 7% Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
- 7% Silene dioica – (Red Campion)
- 6% Trifolium pratense – (Red Clover)
- 4% Vicia cracca – (Tufted Vetch)
50% Grasses
- 5% Agrostis capillaris – (Common Bent)
- 5% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet Vernal Grass)
- 25% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dogstail)
- 40% Festuca rubra – (Red Fescue)
- 15% Festuca rubra ssp. commutata – (Chewings Fescue)
- 10% Poa trivialis – (Rough Meadow Grass)
GM9 - Tussocky grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
The Tussocky Tall Grassland Mix contains a moderate diversity of fifteen wildflowers and mainly consisting of coarse grasses that form tussocks, including Cocksfoot, Tall Fescue and Yorkshire Fog.
It is suitable for moderate to high fertility circumneutral soils for areas where maintenance will be at a minimum.
Cutting once per year or even every other year in spring is often enough to maintain this sward. Maintaining areas of tussocky grassland and tall herbs after through rotational cutting will help to encourage small mammals populations and overwintering invertebrates.
20% Wildflowers
- 6% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 4% Agrimony eupatoria – (Common Agrimony)
- 10% Centaurea nigra – (Black knapweed)
- 4% Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
- 3% Knautia arvensis – (Field Scabious)
- 5% Lathyrus pratensis – (Meadow vetchling)
- 10% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Ox-eye daisy)
- 5% Lotus ulignosus – (Greater bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 4% Lychnis flos-cuculi – (Ragged robin)
- 10% Plantago lanceolata – (Ribwort plantain)
- 10% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow buttercup)
- 10% Rumex acetosa – (Common sorrel)
- 10% Silene dioica – (Red campion)
- 5% Trifolium pratense – (Red clover)
- 4% Vicia cracca – (Tufted vetch)
80% Wildflowers
- 3% Alopecurus pratensis – (Meadow foxtail)
- 8% Arrhenatherum elatius – (False oat grass)
- 20% Dactylis glomerata – (Cock’s-foot)
- 4% Deschampsia cespitosa – (Tufted hair grass)
- 25% Festuca arundinacea – (Tall fescue)
- 25% Festuca pratensis – (Meadow fescue)
- 10% Festuca rubra ssp rubra – (Red fescue)
- 5% Holcus lanatus – (Yorkshire fog)
GM10 - Brownfield 80/20 wildflower/grass
Sow Rate: - 3g/m²
This mix provides a flower rich habitat, with 80% flora compared to a usual 20% in a meadow mix, for brownfield sites. These sites are under increasing pressure from development.
It is recommended to undertake soil testing when considering this mix to assess suitability as soil properties vary on brownfield sites.
80% Wildflowers
- 6% Centaurea cyanus - (Cornflower)
- 1% Centaurium erythraea – (Common centaury)
- 8% Centaurea nigra – (Black knapweed)
- 5% Daucus carota – (Wild carrot)
- 2% Echium vulgare – (Viper’s bugloss)
- 1% Hieracium pilosella – (Mouse-ear hawkweed)
- 1% Hypericum perforatum – (Common St John’s Wort)
- 2% Hypochaeris radicata – (Common cat’s-ear)
- 9% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Oxeye Daisy)
- 2% Linaria vulgaris – (Common toadflax)
- 4% Lotus corniculatus – (Common bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 7% Maticaria recutitia – (Scented mayweed)
- 8% Medicago lupulina – (Black medick)
- 3% Reseda luteola – (Weld)
- 5% Rumex acetosella – (Sheep’s sorrel)
- 5% Silene alba – (White campion)
- 4% Silene vulgaris – (Bladder campion)
- 2% Trifolium arvense – (Hare’s-foot clover)
- 3% Trifolium pratense – (Red clover)
- 2% Vicia cracca – (Tufted vetch)
20% Grasses
- 15% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s fescue)
- 5% Festuca rubra ssp. rubra – (Red fescue)
GM11 - Traditional hay meadow
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
A traditional hay meadow conservation seed mix containing a high diversity of 26 UK native wildflowers and grasses. It is a seed mix suited for low fertility, moist, circumneutral and free draining moist soils that dry out in the summer.
This type of meadow is managed traditionally by leaving the sward to flower and set seed from spring until early summer when a hay cut is taken to remove fertility and it is grazed thereafter. Light to moderate grazing can also be employed instead of a hay cut. Structural diversity such as tussocky grassland and taller herbs should be maintained on rotation by fencing off certain areas, which will benefit flowering species and the wildlife using these habitats. Hay meadow habitats are associated with high plant diversity, which provides a flower rich resource for notable pollinators.
20% Wildflowers
- 4% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 10% Centaurea nigra – (Black knapweed)
- 9% Galium verum – (Lady’s bedstraw)
- 3% Hypochaeris radicata – (Common cat’s-ear)
- 4% Lathyrus pratensis – (Meadow vetchling)
- 2% Leontodon autumnalis – (Autumn hawkbit)
- 8% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Ox-eye daisy)
- 5% Lotus corniculatus – (Common bird’s-foot trefoil)
- 3% Pimpinella saxifrage – (Burnet saxifrage)
- 10% Plantago lanceolate – (Ribwort plantain)
- 1% Primula veris – (Cowslip)
- 11% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 9% Ranunculus acris – (Meadow buttercup)
- 5% Rhinanthus minor – (Yellow rattle)
- 6% Rumex acetosa – (Common sorrel)
- 3% Sanguisorba officianlis – (Great burnet)
- 3% Stachys officianlis – (Betony)
- 2% Succisa pratensis – (Devil’s bit-scabious)
- 2% Vicia cracca – (Tufted vetch)
80% Grasses
- 3% Agrostis castellana – (Common bent)
- 5% Anthoxanthum odoratum – (Sweet vernal grass)
- 5% Briza media – (Quaking grass)
- 20% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested dog’s-tail)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp litoralis – (Slender Creeping Red Fescue)
- 45% Festuca rubra ssp rubra – (Red fescue)
- 3% Trisetum flavescens – (Yellow oat grass)
GM12 - Fertility builder clover & legume
Sow Rate on Bare Ground: - 5g/m²
Overseeding/add to other mix: - 3g/m²
A blend of Legumes and Trefoils designed to act as a pioneer crop on areas of reclaimed land where low fertility is a concern. In time this mixture will provide a green manure crop that can be used to add structure to the soil.
It can also be added to a seed mix to improve nitrogen cycling.
- 20% White Clover
- 20% Red Clover
- 15% Alsike Clover
- 15% Lucerne
- 20% Sainfoin
- 10% Birdsfoot Trefoil
GM15 - Coastal area grass & wildflower
Sow Rate: - 5g/m²
This is a conservation seed mix for coastal areas containing 26 UK native wildflowers and 9 grasses. This mix is suited for low fertility soils near sea cliffs or shingle beaches that are subjected to salt spray. This is a low fertility sward on shallow soils and should not require intensive management.
This mix is available as wildflower only. Please use seed mix GF15 – COASTAL AREA WILDFLOWER MIX and reduce the sow rate to 2g/m².
20% Wildflowers
- 5% Achillea millefolium – (Yarrow)
- 8% Anthyllis vulnearia – (Kidney Vetch)
- 5% Armeria maritima – (Thrift)
- 5% Centaurea scabiosa – (Greater Knapweed)
- 7% Daucus carota – (Wild Carrot)
- 4% Echium vulgare – (Viper’s Bugloss)
- 7% Galium verum – (Lady’s Bedstraw)
- 2% Hypericum perforatum – (Perforate St John’s Wort)
- 2% Hypochaeris radicata – (Common Cat’s-Ear)
- 8% Leucanthemum vulgare – (Ox-Eye Daisy)
- 3% Linaria vulgaris – (Yellow Toadflax)
- 10% Lotus Corniculatus – (Bird’s-Foot Trefoil)
- 2% Ononis repens – (Common Restharrow)
- 1% Plantago coronopus – (Buck’s-Horn Plantain)
- 1% Plantago maritima – (Sea Plantain)
- 5% Plantago media – (Hoary Plantain)
- 7% Prunella vulgaris – (Selfheal)
- 7% Rumex acetosa – (Common Sorrel)
- 5% Sanguisorba minor – (Salad Burnet)
- 25% Sedum album – (Biting Stonecrop)
- 25% Sedum anglicum – (English Stonecrop)
- 3% Silene maritima – (Sea Campion)
- 4% Silene vulgaris – (Bladder Campion)
- 1% Thymus praecox – (Wild Thyme )
- 1% Tragopogon pratensis – (Goat’s Beard)
- 1% Tripleurospermum maritimum – (Sea Mayweed)
80% Grasses
- 2% Agrostis stolonifera – (Creeping Bent)
- 1% Briza media – (Quaking Grass)
- 4% Bromus erectus – (Upright Brome)
- 32% Cynosurus cristatus – (Crested Dog’s-Tail)
- 30% Festuca ovina – (Sheep’s Fescue)
- 25% Festuca rubra ssp rubra – (Red Fescue)
- 1% Koeleria macrantha – (Crested Hair Grass)
- 4% Phleum bertolonii – (Small Timothy)
- 1% Trisetum flavescens – (Yellow Oat Grass)