Transforming a challenging basin into a thriving green space

Taylor Wimpey

3,000m2 hydroseeding

Thornbury Hill, Lawley Village


At the forefront of a new housing development in Lawley Village, Telford, we were tasked with hydroseeding an attenuation basin to create a sustainable, vegetated landscape. The project aimed to enhance the ecological value of the site, improve soil stability, and provide long-term vegetation cover. 

Access to the basin was extremely restricted, limiting the machinery we could use. Previous attempts at conventional sowing had failed, with vegetation struggling to establish. To overcome these challenges, we proposed a hydroseeding solution designed to achieve full vegetation coverage while supporting the site’s biodiversity net gain target.

In line with the client’s landscaping specification, we applied two different seed mixes to suit the varying conditions of the site. The basin area was hydroseeded with a pond edge and wildflower seed mix, while the surrounding areas received an amenity grass mix. To maximise seed retention and encourage growth, we used a high-performance mulch that protects seeds, prevents erosion, and retains moisture for optimal germination.

''Given the challenges we faced on site, in terms of access and previous vegetation, we are delighted to come away from this with a solution which met the project’s goals'' 

Nathan Wilkinson
Hydroseeding Manager

Given the restricted access, we utilised our compact, towable Finn T60 hydroseeding machine. Before starting, we carefully marked out the boundaries for each seed type to ensure an efficient and precise application. Positioning the hydroseeding machine at the southern edge of the basin, we used long hoses to reach the opposite side. Our team worked methodically, beginning on the northern side and moving backwards to avoid disturbing freshly treated areas.

The application was completed in just one and a half days. Thanks to the high performance mulch, the seed adhered well to the sloping basin soils, promoting even distribution and retaining moisture to accelerate germination. 

Within two weeks, the first signs of growth appeared, and after 18 months, the area was fully vegetated with a diverse mix of grasses and wildflowers, creating a thriving green space in line with the project’s ecological goals.

Lawley Phase 10 Pond Hydroseeding




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