
Our Rootlok Vegetated Retaining Wall System is composed of a soft engineered modular geotextile bag and interlocking plate system that vegetates to provide an encapsulated face. The Rootlok System is a permanent reinforced soil solution for both land and water applications that delivers a sustainable green finish, with the system having the ability to be utilised in a number of applications. 

We offer a full turnkey design and build package for each unique application. We adapt the principles of mechanically stabilised earth (MSE) utilising BBA Certified Stratagrid® geogrids for reinforced soil structures, retaining walls, slope stabilisation with slope angles up to 70° and 10M high, with a 120-year design life.

Our focus is to deliver an engineered solution that’s cost-effective, environmentally friendly, low impact, adds to the ecosystem providing major benefits and advantages over traditional hard engineered structures.

GeoGrow’s Rootlok Vegetated Wall System is the go to product choice for clients, specifiers, consultants and contractors who want to specify a more natural, green solution for their projects. 

Solutions include:
  • Gravity retaining walls

  • Reinforced soil retaining walls

  • Slope stabilisation

  • Flood protection works

  • River restoration

  • Erosion control systems

  • Headwalls

  • Landslip repairs

  • Coastal protection

  • Landscaping

  • Habitat creation

  • SUDs

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